
Say goodbye to 300+ page penetration test reports.

Our comprehensive penetration testing and actionable reports have 0 false positives so you can identify, understand and solve security gaps faster.

Book a 30 min consultation

Manual penetration testing

Full time Canadian hackers

Remediation support

Hero Background

Providing the quality of the biggest names in security without the price tag and complications

Software Secured’s penetration testing and augmented security services help make your products compliant, reduce the likelihood of a cyber breach and give your clients confidence that their data is secure.

Penetration Testing ServicesPenetration Testing ServicesPenetration Testing Services

Penetration Testing Services

Pentest Essentials
Pentest 360
Penetration Testing as a Service

Augmented Security Services

Secure Code Review
Secure Cloud Review
Developer Training
Augmented Security Services

Commitment to transparency, accessible communication and an ability to bridge the gap between technical and business needs

Manual comprehensive penetration testing

Prove security maturity with mapping to 5 industry frameworks (OWASP Top 10, SANS Top 25, WSTG, ASVS, NIST)

Book a 30 min consultation

Manual penetration testing

Full time Canadian hackers

Remediation support


Actionable Reporting

Report includes steps to reproduce and remediate vulnerabilities

Book a 30 min consultation

Manual penetration testing

Full time Canadian hackers

Remediation support


Remediation Support

Know when to eliminate, mitigate, delegate and accept risk

Book a 30 min consultation

Manual penetration testing

Full time Canadian hackers

Remediation support



Automate your vulnerability management, take a tour here

Book a 30 min consultation

Manual penetration testing

Full time Canadian hackers

Remediation support


Full Time Canadian Based Hackers

Highly qualified hackers invested in your security

Book a 30 min consultation

Manual penetration testing

Full time Canadian hackers

Remediation support


Trusted by High Growth SaaS Firms Doing Big Business

How it Works

Security made easy

Book a 30 min consultation

Manual penetration testing

Full time Canadian hackers

Remediation support

Step 1

Prepare your testing environment

We recommend testing on a replica of production and ask for 2 accounts per role as well as IP’s in scope.

Step 2

Attend a kick off meeting

Provide a demo of your product and meet your pentesters as they begin threat modeling and assessing risk to your attack surface.

Step 3

Leave the rest to us

Our team creates custom tests based on your business logic, finds vulnerabilities mapped to 5 industry frameworks and only notifies you if we find a critical or are blocked.

Step 4

Report, remediation, and certificate

Our actionable reports will help guide you through remediation with ease; 3 rounds of retesting ensures you receive a clean penetration test certificate.


Simple answers to tough questions

What information do I need to gather in order to get the most accurate scope?

Pricing for pentesting services is based on the scope of the attack surface. This is determined by assessing the number of endpoints, public facing IPs, roles and authentication methods. Check out our Scoping a Penetration Test Document here.

Does active feature development change our penetration testing strategy?

Many clients choose biannual or quarterly Penetration Testing as a Service, to integrate security into their development pipeline. The initial baseline penetration test provides depth of coverage and the subsequent penetration tests address the new features and product developments only. This strategy speeds up security operations and aligns with your product roadmap.

Tell us more about your depth of coverage. How does your comprehensiveness compare to other penetration testing vendors?

We conduct light threat modelling with every penetration test. Our team creates tailored attacks based on your data flow, business logic, integrations, competitive landscape, industry and clients. 

In addition to the testing methodology customized to your attack surface, we also map to multiple standards (OWASP Top 10, SANS Top 25, WSTG, ASVS, NIST) for the most in-depth coverage. 

How does this help us with compliance?

Our penetration tests can help you meet compliance frameworks such as SOC 2, ISO 27001, PCI-DSS, HIPAA, as well as cybersecurity insurance requirements. All of our application penetration tests include infrastructure testing. This assists in meeting both the infrastructure and application controls required for compliance and provides security assurance. 

Within Portal, your data is physically separated, as each of our clients has their own database, given Portal has single tenant architecture. Granular access permissions based on role and project assist clients in meeting compliance and technical risk, aligning to least privilege best practices. Portal has complex password requirements and leverages OAuth for client authentication.

What do your penetration test reports look like?

Our actionable reports include an executive summary, vulnerability descriptions, impact on the business, steps to reproduce and suggested remediation methods. All vulnerabilities are peer reviewed and risk is calibrated according to CVSS and DREAD. 

How much remediation support is included?

After the report is delivered, there is an optional read out report meeting with our team to go over the results and assist with remediation. Email and our slack integration is available for quick questions regarding your report. Decision making support on when to eliminate, mitigate, delegate and accept risk is offered to all clients and 3 rounds of retesting is included to support with your SLAs. Penetration Testing as a Service clients benefit from unlimited on demand retesting and 2 hours of security consulting per month.

What information do I need to gather in order to get the most accurate scope?

Pricing for pentesting services is based on the scope of the attack surface. This is determined by assessing the number of endpoints, public facing IPs, roles and authentication methods. Check out our Scoping a Penetration Test Document here.

Does active feature development change our penetration testing strategy?

Many clients choose biannual or quarterly Penetration Testing as a Service, to integrate security into their development pipeline. The initial baseline penetration test provides depth of coverage and the subsequent penetration tests address the new features and product developments only. This strategy speeds up security operations and aligns with your product roadmap.

Tell us more about your depth of coverage. How does your comprehensiveness compare to other penetration testing vendors?

We conduct light threat modelling with every penetration test. Our team creates tailored attacks based on your data flow, business logic, integrations, competitive landscape, industry and clients. 

In addition to the testing methodology customized to your attack surface, we also map to multiple standards (OWASP Top 10, SANS Top 25, WSTG, ASVS, NIST) for the most in-depth coverage. 

How does this help us with compliance?

Our penetration tests can help you meet compliance frameworks such as SOC 2, ISO 27001, PCI-DSS, HIPAA, as well as cybersecurity insurance requirements. All of our application penetration tests include infrastructure testing. This assists in meeting both the infrastructure and application controls required for compliance and provides security assurance. 

Within Portal, your data is physically separated, as each of our clients has their own database, given Portal has single tenant architecture. Granular access permissions based on role and project assist clients in meeting compliance and technical risk, aligning to least privilege best practices. Portal has complex password requirements and leverages OAuth for client authentication.

What do your penetration test reports look like?

Our actionable reports include an executive summary, vulnerability descriptions, impact on the business, steps to reproduce and suggested remediation methods. All vulnerabilities are peer reviewed and risk is calibrated according to CVSS and DREAD. 

How much remediation support is included?

After the report is delivered, there is an optional read out report meeting with our team to go over the results and assist with remediation. Email and our slack integration is available for quick questions regarding your report. Decision making support on when to eliminate, mitigate, delegate and accept risk is offered to all clients and 3 rounds of retesting is included to support with your SLAs. Penetration Testing as a Service clients benefit from unlimited on demand retesting and 2 hours of security consulting per month.

What information do I need to gather in order to get the most accurate scope?

Pricing for pentesting services is based on the scope of the attack surface. This is determined by assessing the number of endpoints, public facing IPs, roles and authentication methods. Check out our Scoping a Penetration Test Document here.

Does active feature development change our penetration testing strategy?

Many clients choose biannual or quarterly Penetration Testing as a Service, to integrate security into their development pipeline. The initial baseline penetration test provides depth of coverage and the subsequent penetration tests address the new features and product developments only. This strategy speeds up security operations and aligns with your product roadmap.

Tell us more about your depth of coverage. How does your comprehensiveness compare to other penetration testing vendors?

We conduct light threat modelling with every penetration test. Our team creates tailored attacks based on your data flow, business logic, integrations, competitive landscape, industry and clients. 

In addition to the testing methodology customized to your attack surface, we also map to multiple standards (OWASP Top 10, SANS Top 25, WSTG, ASVS, NIST) for the most in-depth coverage. 

How does this help us with compliance?

Our penetration tests can help you meet compliance frameworks such as SOC 2, ISO 27001, PCI-DSS, HIPAA, as well as cybersecurity insurance requirements. All of our application penetration tests include infrastructure testing. This assists in meeting both the infrastructure and application controls required for compliance and provides security assurance. 

Within Portal, your data is physically separated, as each of our clients has their own database, given Portal has single tenant architecture. Granular access permissions based on role and project assist clients in meeting compliance and technical risk, aligning to least privilege best practices. Portal has complex password requirements and leverages OAuth for client authentication.

What do your penetration test reports look like?

Our actionable reports include an executive summary, vulnerability descriptions, impact on the business, steps to reproduce and suggested remediation methods. All vulnerabilities are peer reviewed and risk is calibrated according to CVSS and DREAD. 

How much remediation support is included?

After the report is delivered, there is an optional read out report meeting with our team to go over the results and assist with remediation. Email and our slack integration is available for quick questions regarding your report. Decision making support on when to eliminate, mitigate, delegate and accept risk is offered to all clients and 3 rounds of retesting is included to support with your SLAs. Penetration Testing as a Service clients benefit from unlimited on demand retesting and 2 hours of security consulting per month.

Say goodbye to 300+ page penetration test reports

Providing the quality of the biggest names in security without the price tag and complications.

Book a 30 min consultation

Manual penetration testing

Full time Canadian hackers

Remediation support

CTA background